2023 Ft Johnson Estates
Civic Club Membership Drive
Dear Fort Johnson Estates Residents,
It is time for our annual membership drive for 2023! As Civic Club members, residents will receive reduced rates to annual events hosted by the Civic Club, reduced fee to pool membership and are entitled to reduced clubhouse rental rates during the year.
Annual Events
Friday Night Food Trucks
Oyster Roast
Super Bowl Party
Easter Egg Hunt
Cinco De Mayo
End of School Bash
4th of July Celebration
Back to School Blues
Trunk or Treat
Christmas Parade & Caroling
(More To Come)
The annual dues are extremely important to help cover our basic utility expenses for the front entrances and clubhouse facilities, providing newsletters, and sponsoring neighborhood events such as educational socials, happy hours, pot luck dinners, and annual holiday events. Additionally, the Civic Club has proceeded with plans to enhance the Civic Club grounds as part of the upcoming Pool Renovations with proceeds from dues and events to go towards these improvements.
We are grateful to our continued members and are hopeful that more FJE residents will become members as we are dependent on voluntary dues to maintain and improve our community. Annual membership is $100 and runs March to March. Consider donating extra funds, as a "Foundation Circle Member" by giving at least $150, which will help fund future projects. A tax-deductible donation receipt will be provided by the Fort Johnson Community Foundation for gift amounts over $100. Please join and actively participate in the Civic Club.
FJE Civic Club Board
Click here to download the FJE Civic Club Membership form.
The Civic Club relies heavily on volunteers who serve on the board and various committees in an effort to maintain and improve the clubhouse, clubhouse grounds, FJE entrances, etc. If you'd like to help in any way, please feel free to attend the next board meeting and offer your input. If interested, the board member duties and by-laws are outlined at the links below...
As vice-president of the Civic Club, I stepped up as president until our September annual vote on executive officers, and I also currently happen to be president of the FJE Foundation. Here are the other officers:
Civic Club President: Bart Mullin
Civic Club Vice-President: Katie Henderson
Civic Club Treasurer: Kathy Davis- thank you Kathy for years of service.
Civic Club Secretary: Michael Myer
Pool Committee Chair: Robert Jenkins
FJE Foundation President: Bart Mullin
FJE Vice President: Currently unfilled until September
FJE Foundation Secretary: Josh Eboch
FJE Treasurer: Michael Myer
The Civic Club Board strives to provide the best service possible for the Ft. Johnson Estates neighborhood, but is limited with regard to finances and resources. While we have the largest Civic Club membership in years, we'd like to have more participation considering the annual dues are only $60 per year. By becoming a Civic Club member, you'll not only have a vote at the annual meetings, but will receive discounts for pool membership and clubhouse rentals as well! If you'd like to join the Civic Club, you can download the application form at the link below and join for 2020...
Clubhouse Rentals
The clubhouse is always available to rent for meetings or parties by emailing civicclub@ftjohnsonestates.com to rewerve a date and time. A copy of the clubhouse rental agreement can be downloaded at the link below...
Our recent "Renovation Celebration" social at the Civic Club was a great opportunity for the neighborhood to get together and see the newly renovated clubhouse. The Civic Club Board presented a plaque to show appreciation for the hard work and many volunteer hours that went into improving the clubhouse. The five FJE residents honored were Toby Stewart, Todd King, David and Stacey Daffin, and Allan Allbright.
The old kitchen was torn out and replaced with new cabinets and appliances, all of which were donated by Todd King. The bathrooms were completely renovated with new toilets and vanities, the floors were resurfaced throughout the building, the walls were freshly painted, and the trim and baseboards were replaced all around.
More recently, the clubhouse exterior has been updated with a new metal roof and a fresh coat of paint all around. Again, all of the paint and roofing materials were donated by FJE residents who continue to support the clubhouse renovations by volunteering their time to make these improvements happen.
The Community Foundation serves several functions for Ft Johnson Estates. It owns and manages the land for the clubhouse and pool and holds the lease agreements for both. It also sponsors the annual Swamp Angel Oyster Roast every January.
The slate of nominees for the Board of Directors for the upcoming year was voted and approved at the 2019 Annual Meeting on September 24th...
Fred Whittle, Chairman
Stacey Daffin, Secretary
Kathy Davis, Treasurer
Toby Stewart, Director
Michael Meyer, director
Jonathan Boxx, Director
Robin Hardin, Director
Bart Mullin, Director
Rob Mintz, Director
FJE Archives
Check out this archived 1971 News and Courier article entitled "Community's Efforts Bring Results" about Fort Johnson Estates banding together and making things happen for the good of the neighborhood!
Click the stack of newspapers above to download the archived article...
" The definitive source for informed Fort Johnson Estates residents. "
Click the photo above
to watch an amazing video of the
Morris Island Lighthouse!
Book Exchange Kiosk
421 Trapier Drive
At the Corner of Trapier
and Robert E Lee.
Crime Watch
Updates available at the link below...
Are you adding on or renovating your home in FJE?
If so, make sure your plans follow the Covenants and Restrictions
and submit them to civicclub@ftjohnsonestates.com for approval when you send them to the Town for review.